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Everything posted by chaarlieee

  1. 41 of the Samsung 19" widescreen monitors? What time do you guys think I should get there on Friday if I just want the monitor? Will I be in good shape if I get there around 3:30am or is that too late? I don't want any of the other specials, just the 19" monitor.
  2. Nice! I hope they have at least 50 at my best buy.. and I hope it isn't as hard to get as I think it might be. I don't plan on leaving until maybe 3:30am.
  3. Most pioneer and sony car audio equipment are garbage. I said most. Dual is garbage as well. You can make dual, jensen, and sony equipment sound good, but why would you even want to in the first place when you can do so much better with the money? I wouldn't even buy lower quality equipment if it was $20.
  4. Did anybody see the 19" widescreen samsung monitors? If so, how many? I'm going to check tomorrow night after work.
  5. DO NOT make the mistake of buying things early and expect that store to pricematch on Black Friday, at least with Best Buy and larger stores. It's usually a store policy that they will not allow you to pricematch black friday specials. If they do let you, they either don't know or they are being very nice. But I do hope that I'm wrong.
  6. Just the 19" widescreen samsung monitor. How hard do you think it'll be to get just that monitor? Everybody seems like they're getting a TV, computer, laptop, or other expensive electronics.
  7. That's probably the best thing to do. I was going to go in the afternoon, but I can just go straight after work around 7:30pm and check it out.
  8. Thanks for the welcome and the tip! I guess I'll check the inventory of the Samsung monitors on wednesday. I know I've read from two other people on other forums that they saw 30+ of the monitors on shelves.
  9. I'd like to know about this as well. Also, what time to they start handing out tickets in California or anywhere? And what are the crowds like at Staples? 50 people? 100-200 people? Will it be necessary to camp out early or just 1-2 hours before the store opens? Does Staples open at 6am like it says HERE? Staples is going to be my backup plan for a 19" widescreen computer monitor if I can't get the Samsung at Best Buy. Thanks!
  10. All I want is the 19" Samsung monitor and a few other small things. Will they hand out tickets for that monitor or do they only give tickets for the hottest items? Thanks.
  11. I plan on going there in the morning an hour before opening to take advantage of the 10% discount. Are there a lot of people lined up at ikea for black friday?
  12. Just wait for a good deal on a HDTV.
  13. This is the home theater system I want is at Sears. I can't link it since I don't have enough posts, but it's in the Sears BF ad, advertised as "Sony HT-DDW670 600-Watt Home Theater System - $179.99" Will it be on sale ONLINE during black friday? If I put it on layaway before black friday, will I be able to price adjust it during black friday while it's on layaway?
  14. Just curious. Has this happened to anyone? Going to the store early before opening, then going in, only to find that the item you want was not even there in the first place? Also, what are you chances of getting what you want? I want to pick up a TV this BF, but am worried that what I want may not be there, whether it's not in there in the first place, or the stock was already taken.
  15. I saw the commercial for this. Anyone know if they will have levi's on sale?
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