I got the same response as above from a Circuit City a manager just now.
Basically, they refuse to pricematch BF hourly sales as they are considered limited quantities.
The good news, they told me they are dropping the price on this Panasonic 42" to $1099 and will have it all weekend; allowing for orders if they run out of stock. I dont know if he was pulling my leg or what, but he was the manager of the store. Hope he got it right, CC is next door to BB and I could just swing by if I am not in time for BB>
Ya know, I was contemplating filing a complaint on BBB agasint CC over the issue; it completely destroys their year round advertising regarding not being beaten. Cant say I will ever trust them on price agian. Actually a really bad thing, they just blew their name and BB usually has a better selection. The sad part, they ahve red tabs above their prices caliming they will not be beaten....