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Posts posted by pmdemey

  1. 1. Have your list divided into stores and bring your ads to price comp.

    2. If you go any where with clothing get them before it starts to cover anything in your cart

    so it won`t be taken.

    3. Get your tickets or stand by electronics first, they go fast.

    4. Scope out the store to see the quanities of everything you want so your prepared to


    5. If you can`t find something ask employees before it starts, they will help you.

    6. Tag teamming is always best, be sure to have your phones charged so you can


    7. Have fun and wear your shirt!!!:gdtshirt:

  2. glad she is ok. as PP have pointed out - that is the most important.


    Why did she roll it? was it weather? inattentiveness?


    You are right - your immediate needs may not be what you want... give yourself till monday to fully examine your alternatives - if possible.


  3. Yes I am very thankful. It may sound like I am being selfish but now I have the bank breathing down my back because they were holding the title for security on a personal loan so now I am having to sell my camaro that is on the same loan to pay it down so I can afford a new car, OMG I could go on about the reprocussions. This was suppose to be my best BF yet. OMG I`ve turned into a whiner!!!!!!
  4. DD16 rolled my car. She is ok but now I have to worry about a car, it was mine and no full coverage.Am I overreacting or how would you handle it? I need rational thought, this is my favorite time of year!
  5. Thanks for making the list. It sounds good but we already have a lot of the good ones. I may have to get the Christmas vacation dvd though, we still have ours on VHS!

    Me too! I watched mine the other day and it is pretty worn.

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