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  1. Good idea if your not taking up valuable parking spots.
  2. 1. Have your list divided into stores and bring your ads to price comp. 2. If you go any where with clothing get them before it starts to cover anything in your cart so it won`t be taken. 3. Get your tickets or stand by electronics first, they go fast. 4. Scope out the store to see the quanities of everything you want so your prepared to battle. 5. If you can`t find something ask employees before it starts, they will help you. 6. Tag teamming is always best, be sure to have your phones charged so you can communicate!!!!!! 7. Have fun and wear your shirt!!!
  3. My dd is moving out next summer so anything to help her out.
  4. I just ordered my Ducks Unlimited cards. This is the first time for years but I think I`ll send them in time for Thanksgiving.
  5. I stay out until 11 then home for dinner
  6. It seems that every time i mention this site in my area no one has heard of it. They start by wondering how I know so much about Black Friday and I tell them I learned from you! Maybe if I had a shirt I wouldn`t have to write it so much.LOL:yup:
  7. Thank you all for the support and reassurance. I believe DD and I will go Friday and worry about it next week. Life goes on and I am very thankful hers will.
  9. Yes I am very thankful. It may sound like I am being selfish but now I have the bank breathing down my back because they were holding the title for security on a personal loan so now I am having to sell my camaro that is on the same loan to pay it down so I can afford a new car, OMG I could go on about the reprocussions. This was suppose to be my best BF yet. OMG I`ve turned into a whiner!!!!!!
  10. DD16 rolled my car. She is ok but now I have to worry about a car, it was mine and no full coverage.Am I overreacting or how would you handle it? I need rational thought, this is my favorite time of year!
  11. How is the polaroid brand for hdtvs? We want one but would like opinions from those who have them. Thanx!
  12. We are getting snow on Wednesday and they said a possible snow storm! Hubby will drive the 4 wheel drive! I am NOT staying home!!!!!
  13. Sorry about the lowes ad repost but I didn`t see it on the shopping list so I assumed we didn`t have it. Can you add it to the shopping list?
  14. Wake up Brad , I PM`d it to him!!!!
  15. pmdemey

    BF DVDs

    Me too! I watched mine the other day and it is pretty worn.
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