Hi, Thanks for the reply! You say that the line will dissapate fast. I was wondering how fast? 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, etc. Of course I realize it will depend on the amount of people in line, but since I live in San Diego and will be going to the Mission Valley store, I assume there will be a bunch of people there (not out in the boonies! grin!). The other question I have is that you say I won't get any doorbusters. I can understand that, but was wondering is a doorbuster ONLY the items they hand out tickets for? If so, then it seems to me like the only people that get those deals are the first 20 or so people in line. In which case most people miss out on those deals. Am I off base here? What I'm probably looking for is a 22" monitor. Do you think those will be considered a door buster? Sorry for the dumb question! Appreciate your help. Bigdave