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About heatherkw

  • Birthday 08/30/1978
  1. I swear you guys never fail me! Never figured I would find a coupon! Im wanting a new pair of jeans and as Im 6 feet tall finding some that work and look good can get pricey! I love gap jeans but only allow myself to get them if they are on the clearance rack or I have a coupon! Guess where Im headed today?
  2. Hmm My DD15 list read : Cash Cash Cash Cash Car And... Cash
  3. http://www.amazon.com/Xbox-360-Month-Live-Gold-Card/dp/B0029LJIFG/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=videogames&qid=1259002689&sr=1-1#productPromotions
  4. Good price. This is Kmarts BF Price! Thanks!
  5. My 15y.o. DD wants only cash for Chistmas. It makes me feel awful! Does anybody have any ideas for wrapping cash? Thats the only way I can stand the idea of cash is if she has things to unwrap!
  6. Crap! I can't believe I'm looking for a Wii again! I have all the stuff that goes with it but our neighbor kid killed our Wii!
  7. HOLY CRAP! I knew this BF looked like crap! If bigjimslade ain't camping then I'm just sleeping in!
  8. I have a Canon but DD15 and DSS8 have a Nikon. Also picked one up for DSD11 for this Christmas. I like my Canon but our Nikons take much better pics. We have had HP, Samsungs and Fuji. Will never buy anything but Nikons or Canons again.
  9. Those cheap little laser guns/machine guns are crazy annoying! I second the moon sand! Got it last christmas and it still takes the cake!
  10. DD14 wants a pair of X-Hi Converse in metallic blue! Yes you heard right! They are a very high top pair of chuck taylors in METALLIC BLUE! I knew I was screwed when converse.com cancelled my order! Oh well that one isn't happening. She says and of them in a shiny material will work even low top one. If I cant find them I guess I will be getting her a gift card to converse.com! Shes a shoe nut!
  11. Oh man DD14 and I just played with one at walmart tonight!
  12. Christmas Vacation ! The Santa Clause
  13. Christmas Vacation The Grinch The Santa Clause Jingle All the Way
  14. I found some at walmart by accident! Went to get DS a medium top and a medium bottom and got a medium top and xxl bottom! How in the world I managed that I'll never know. Still havent taken the bottoms back if you need them let me know!
  15. Oh god I think Im a fox expert at this point. DBF 7 year old is a fox nut! Pacsun carries them but the best deals I have found are on eBay! Some sporting goods store carry them also. Most of the fox some comes in Flex fit also. Something I have have found recently are beanie visors. I think they are really popular. I dont know if you will find many deals on them. Your best best besides eBay would be a PacSun outlet. http://shop.pacsun.com/girls/girls-hats-scarves-gloves/Gotta-Have-It-Beanie/index.pro
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