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  1. Thanks tinkrbel!!! I will let you know how it turns out. Happy thanksgiving!!!
  2. Xbox is gone also
  3. I hope so too! The thing is, the price that appears, is crossed out and there is a message below that says to see the actual price you must add it to your cart or something. So like a fool I did that, and kept processing it expecting it to change. When it didn't I called right away and from 2 different people I got a canned response. The second told me if I continued to have problems I could write a letter and send it to their offices. Real nice.
  4. I went to look for the 32" tv, searched by the number in the add. Results came up and it let me order it...however, it is now $251. I am on the phone with their customer service waiting to speak to a manager (on hold for over 10 minutes) trying to cancel the order. The person on the phone told me they were out of the batch at 97.00. I told her that the system should have told me that instead and since it didn't I want to cancel my order. She is telling me they can not cancel - I will have to wait for it to come and then return it at a Sears store. I will NEVER order online from them again. Between the site and customer service....I am not happy.
  5. I still have the please wait page still.
  6. I still have nightmares from Best Buy last year lol!
  7. I have had really good luck with BB online...however, they haven't been consistent on when they decide to bring them up. One year it was 11pm/Midnight, another 2 am, and last year was 6 am. So if you decided to do it, you have to be committed
  8. Love you!!!! I pledge to stay on all year.
  9. I was having a similar problem with them about this time just trying to check out. I think they may have been getting slammed at the time.
  10. Did anyone not get the message that the tv is backordered?
  11. Try newegg...that is where I got mine a few hours ago http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16868110089&cm_sp=DailyDeal-_-68-110-089-_-Product
  12. yayyyyy - Got my stuff. Off to bed for an hour or two. Try and enjoy the rest of your day folks. It has been fun!
  13. BB is really catching heck on FB on both pages! Starting to really love it!
  14. Does anyone know how good Amazon is about updating their own prices based on someone elses ad?
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