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Panda Girl

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  1. Wow I ordered one yesterday. But didn't get this deal. I did get an email with a $5 mp3 promo and paid the $180 for the ipod
  2. Target stocks something similar to this. It's in a pink retro looking box for $5
  3. the guy that invented the Chi company is running for govenor of Texas.
  4. Isn't that the cutest thing!! I would order one for my cousin. But Mom is anti Bob. Not sure why!!??!!
  5. I called the store and they also have this deal. Save the $5 shipping they said if you take the 7WHBNV code in to the store they will honor it
  6. I didn't get the $5 Mp3 code.
  7. shay you would probably like the iced coffee better (I know that's not what is free) The Iced Mocha is made with Espresso The Iced Coffee is made with coffee and not as strong I LOVE the Iced Mocha!!! But then I like a stronger coffee flavor Also I usually will get the regular milk but lately I have been getting the the Non-fat milk and can't tell the difference
  8. Where is the $4000 bench?
  9. Thank you so much. I was just considering buying it from BB which has it on sale this week.
  10. Chocolate Cake, Ice Cream
  11. Any good buys? I got an email that they had their mini 9 for $64. With a 2 year contract with AT&T for their connect thing like an air card @ $60 a month
  12. Are these any good? Is this the same stuff they sell on TV in bundles?
  13. I hate Itunes. they hold your music hostage. I own the CD from the store, and when I DL it to the computer after a while it will tell me I don't have the rights to play it, and it won't play!! Now I have to go find the CD and reload it. YUK! I will stick with my little Zen and cheap MP3's that I buy from Buy.com
  14. I have been debating should I get a wii or join the gym? Which would I be more likely to stick with? anyone have any experience with this delima?
  15. I just ordered one of these. Thought about Dell, but this blows Dell's deal off the planet. 160gb, bluetooth, newest chipset, and much more I had an email for 20% off bill me later from pay pay, free shipping and no tax in Texas. So it will cost me about $292 http://www.jr.com/asus/pe/ASU_EPC1000EBLK/?JRSource=linkshare&SiteID=lw9MynSeamY-h0OCel7SxAvISfxjGONc8w
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