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Posts posted by bargaindvdshopper

  1. Just was able to order Gran Turismo 5 XL for PS3 it would allow me to add it to my cart, but not choose a shipping option, but did allow me to choose it for Pick Up Today in my local store. We'll see if I get a confirmation that it's waiting for me in a few hours.


    Also was listed as In Store Only on the page, but it worked.

  2. Guess that Walmart doesnt care what their competitors are doing because they rather have the folks in the store....sigh hopefully they do put the items I want up because I really dont want to be in a store at 7pm tomorrow night over a leap pad and a few video games and movies.

    You're absolutely right, no they don't care because they are Wal-Mart. That's always been their attitude and always will be until, ultimately, they will fall. Like everything does through history.

  3. Our store is a 24 hour store and they already had things out with just paper taped to the display dumps saying not for sale until 8:00 PM tomorrow. As I've said before it's not fair to those who get there at say 6 or 7 tomorrow night to stake out a claim to get what they want. Theoretically, anyone could cart up things today and just take shifts guarding the cart all night until tomorrow at 8 and wait inside all night long instead of "braving" it outside. Also not fair for the stuff that doesn't really go on sale until later.
  4. I miss Super Shopper as well. Always looked forward to her ads about getting ready for the big day.


    Anyone else notice for the first time they are finally embracing "Black Friday" and not calling it the traditional "Target 2 Day Sale?"

  5. I ALWAYS take in competitor ads when I work Black Friday. One reason is for ME. I price match. The other reason is for my customers. One year I saved a lady lots of $$ because almost every video game and movie she purchased was on sale at another retailer unbeknownst to her. I really like saving people money. At my store we have NEVER taken anything off the shelp because it was cheaper at another retailer. I can't speak for the entire Walmart company as a whole.

    I remember when I worked at Wal-Mart in the Accounting Office while I was in college, there was a direction from the Home Office to buy out Target of a new release movie that was coming out on Tuesday. I can't remember the movie for the life of me, but we received a bulletin from the Home Office that Target was offering the movie for well below Wal-Mart's cost. We were ordered to have multiple associates go to all local Target stores and systematically buy out Target of their entire inventory so we could enter it into our inventory and then not have to price match Target. The Target copies included a store specific battery coupon which we were told to remove and discard as it was Target branded. We were instructed to pay out associates money from the cash office so they had funds to buy the inventory but that each employee could buy no more than 7 copies so that it wouldn't "look suspicious." Since I was in accounting I had to dole out the money to associates that were going to buy out the movies. If I hadn't worked in accounting or electronics I would have never known.

  6. Again, my closest Wal-Mart has decided not to put a map up again this year.


    Hopefully store management runs it better than the fiasco last year.


    If I remember right, stores opened at 10, and had more deals at maybe 2 AM and then I think at 4 or 5 AM and again at 8 AM. Management decided to open the pallets up for ALL the merchandise at 8:00 PM and let people fend for themselves and told them as long as you have the merchandise in your hands you can checkout at the appropriate time and get what you want.


    Needless to say people who didn't get there until 9:00 for the 10:00 openeing were pissed that all the 10:00 merchandise was already gone. The CDs that were advertised for the next morning were already wiped out by 8:30 the night before.

  7. Hi all,


    Wondering if anyone has the official print version of the Target ad in their hands.


    There's a discrepancy in the leaked ads that were posted on GottaDeal and other BF sites compared with the preview that's on Target.com right now.


    Page 6 video game line 1 with the $10 items.


    In the leaked ads the second item in is an XBOX Live 1600 point card.

    In the official preview on Target.com the item is a 3 month XBOX Live Subscription card.


    I'm wondering if the leaked ads are regional in nature and the actual "national deal" is the subscription?


    I'd prefer the points cards, but wondering if somoene could clarify?



  8. Target will NOT price match doorbuster, special timed priced items, however PRICE ADJUSTMENTS on their own merchandise that has dropped in price will be allowed according to corporate.


    I posted the following in another thread, but I think it serves posting here as well:


    I wrote to corporate over the weekend via the website and specifically asked about price adjustments to the annual 2 Day Sale prices. They returned with a quote of their price adjustment policy that is posted online and in the store. I had to go to my local Target today to "pre-buy" the LOTR blu-ray set that's mispriced that I hear they are now going to honor and I checked the front of the store where the price adjustment policy is. There is nothing posted saying that the 2 Day Sale is excluded and I will have my printed email from corporate which contains a "thread id" which I'm assuming they can use to see the exchange between me and corporate offices. I anticipate no problems, but will come with the print-out and plan to stand my ground. I did NOT have problem getting over a $300 adjustment last year on merchandise.

  9. I wrote to corporate over the weekend via the website and specifically asked about price adjustments to the annual 2 Day Sale prices. They returned with a quote of their price adjustment policy that is posted online and in the store. I had to go to my local Target today to "pre-buy" the LOTR blu-ray set that's mispriced that I hear they are now going to honor and I checked the front of the store where the price adjustment policy is. There is nothing posted saying that the 2 Day Sale is excluded and I will have my printed email from corporate which contains a "thread id" which I'm assuming they can use to see the exchange between me and corporate offices. I anticipate no problems, but will come with the print-out and plan to stand my ground. I did NOT have problem getting over a $300 adjustment last year on merchandise.
  10. Wanting to buy 2 flat screen tvs this BF but being unable to get to Target til after noon, I emailed guest relations at Target and asked about theri price adjustment policy, specifically for Black Friday. They nicely emailed me a copy of the generic policy. So I went to my local target, grabbed the TVs and went to the service desk just to be sure I could get the adj on BF. They told me "nothing in the 2 day ad will be price adjusted" ! I tried to argue but there was only a brand new manager on who had no clue. So I left the TV's went to my car and CALLED Target guest relations. They informed me that the policy had no exclusions. I went back into the stroe and again was told "sorry - not happening". I called GR while in the store but the manager refused to talk to them! By this time I had been in the store well over an hour and finally said forget it! When I got in my car - I called the Target in the next town over. They said "absolutley - you can get the price adjustment on BF!" The person I spoke to then confirmed with her manager, gave me her name and the name of the person who would actually be in the store on BF and told me "no problem". So I hopped over there - got my 2 TVs and while I was in electronics - the young man actually told me that these TVs were going on sale Friday and to be sure to bring in the receipts so I could get the price adjustment! They could not have been more accomodating! The other Target has lost my business completely - it is definitely worth the extra 15 minute ride to go to this other, more accommodating store. So I got my TVS, will be getting my price adjustment on BF and all is well in the world! So try a different stoe if you don't get the answer you want!

    I'd highly suggest that you follow your experience with that store where the manager has been "misinformed" about corporate policy with a detailed email and phone call to Guest Relations so that Target can "re-inform" their manager of the offical Target policy.

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