This is what I wrote:
To Whom it May Concern,
In a day of retailers competing for fewer spending dollars, I am shocked and dismayed that you would choose to cancel this order rather than honor it. At the time that this was posted, immediately preceding Black Friday, it was completely reasonable to believe that Macy's was getting customers early with a great deal. Because of that, I chose to purchase in good faith from Macys, a store with a stellar reptutation. In doing so I did not pursue the next best deals offered on Black Friday. I literally walked by Ripsticks that were half of your list price, and still well under the price you're offering with the discount. Not only have you completely blown your reputation with me, you have made it impossible for me to purchase the Ripsticks at a price I would have gotten them for on Black Friday. This is horrible customer service and no way to earn customer loyalty. I wouldn't ever imagine Nordstrom handling a similar situation in this manner. The correct thing to do would have been to honor the orders, with a notice that it was an error. That is what earns respect and customer dollars. This customer will take her business elsewhere.