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  1. The person who told you that the online instructions were no longer valid only told you that so you would buy from them! I knew nothing about these until 3 weeks ago when I bought my 1st firestick. I installed my own Kodi... easily AND the instructions are out there! It was easier than I thought. Im actually pissed that people are making money off of others for this simple installation! I did my Kodi and installed a additional 'build' in a evening. The longest part was watching several Kodi installation videos to make sure I had instructions that were correct. Search for "Kodi 17.6 beginners". Kodi 18 instructions are out there but it isnt ready yet. This is NOT true! You can do this with a little online help. It DOES NOT require any special software to install Kodi!
  2. WOW thanks! My girls love the 'Petz' games and didnt have two of those on sale so I picked them up. I have Prime so I was out the door for $20 and change! Thanks for the post!
  3. I got two of these for my 6 and 8 year old daughters and they just started using them over the weekend. They LOVE them! These are simple enough for them to use and they arent too small so they wont get lost too easy but yet they are small enough to fit in their pockets. You really cant beat the price. If they lose them or break them it wont be a bir deal. Great way to break kids into MP3 players.
  4. From now on I am going to spend GCs immediately! That really stinks!
  5. Yeah I heard on the news last night that stores were going to completely stop selling HD DVDs and they wouldnt even be manufactured anymore. Best Buy said they were going to sell what they had in stock and not sell anymore after the ones they had were gone. So the conversion to blueray is already taking place. I know it sucks, I have two HD DVD players. Please dont waste your money on a HD player.
  6. SWEET!!! I only used code 243 though because I was in such a hurry to check out the sale and I forgot to read the whole thread! DOH!
  7. CHAMPION doesnt work anymore
  8. Thanks, that helps. I didnt even notice we had a technology forum here
  9. Ohh ok. I didnt know that the traffic updates were a paid service. What is the technical term for the service that tells you how the traffic is on real time? I'll have to look into how much that costs and then decide if I want that or not. It's definately not worth it to me if I'm going to be paying like more than $20 a unit per mth. Maybe for DH's but not mine. Thankes for the info
  10. I'm wanting a GPS for myself and my DH and there are so many great sales on them now but I dont know what to look for. The prices vary so much and I cant really tell the difference between them. DH is a delivery driver and I would like one that he can take out of his car when he goes to work and use in his work truck... Is this possible? Do they all update maps and traffic delays automatically or only certain kinds? I would like one that would tell me "Main st has a bad accident. Take this other road" kind of thing. There is going to be a Garmin Nuvi 200 on sale at Wal-Mart tomorrow only for a very good price - is it what I want? I've tried to understand all of the reviews and features but they all speak in GPS terms and codes 'This one has the blahblah 2016 feature' etc. I just dont get it. Can someone please help me?!?!
  11. I'm wanting a GPS for myself and my DH and there are so many great sales on them now but I dont know what to look for. The prices vary so much and I cant really tell the difference between them. DH is a delivery driver and I would like one that he can take out of his car when he goes to work and use in his work truck... Is this possible? Do they all update maps and traffic delays automatically or only certain kinds? I would like one that would tell me "Main st has a bad accident. Take this other road" kind of thing. There is going to be a Garmin Nuvi 200 on sale at Walmart tomorrow only for a very good price - is it what I want? I've tried to understand all of the reviews and features but they all speak in GPS terms and codes 'This one has the blahblah 2016 feature' etc. I just dont get it. Can someone please help me?!?!
  12. I cant find the Amazon promo? And the etoys I get $5 but then pay for shipping so its not a good one for me... unless Im doing it wrong? HeLp?!?!
  13. I cant find them either. Plus, now the cyber Monday thread was taken down and I need to look-up the daily sales this week for Walmart and cant find them
  14. I need to find a big one if anyone knows of one. I saw a 15" at Costco recently but I believe it was like $300. I'm hoping to find at least a 10" for my Father in Law who lives out of state.
  15. OMG I have never seen this much JUNK on a woot-off! I'm thinking BOC is coming up maybe. Has anyone ever noticed if there is a pattern to when the BOC does come up?
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