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Posts posted by thejonesfive

  1. I'm looking for fun ways to give gift cards to family members this year. Found one where you put the gift card in a tin can and I really like ideas like that, ways that make the gift recipent have to work for the gift or just have fun getting it out.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! :)

    Thank you!

  2. It's been more than a few years since I ordered from LetsTalk but everything went great with the order. The order was processed quickly and I received it just as fast. Also have other family members that have ordered from them and they had the same experience from them. I think they are a great place to get a phone from!
  3. I'm needing a smaller (2-4person) tent for this weekend. Anyone know of any on clearance? I'm in Tulsa area.






    If you have a Sam's Club membership check them out. Ours in Fl. had a Swiss Gear 4 person tent for $25 I think, could of been a few dollars more but not much. My parents just got one this past weekend. Really nice tent. They were in the back where they put their discontinue things.


    <a href="http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"><img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v617/ljones627/tent.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"></a>

  4. Found 13 Color Wonder Sets today at 2 different Targets reg. $15 marked to $3.24. One of the Targets had them in the Crayola aisle not marked in any way. The other Target had them on an end cap in the toy aisle. They are part of a value pack where you get markers, finger paint and a couple books. Look specifically for Little Mermaid, Nemo, or Cars. Those are the only ones (as far as I know) that are marked down. If you've got kids and you travel, these are GREAT! The markers only work on the special Color Wonder paper (no marker stains in your car or on their clothes). We use them a lot on driving trips and airplanes. I rarely see these for more than 50% off. They go pretty fast when they hit 1/2 price. Also found a couple Calphalon pots (unmarked) reg. $80 down to $20. I bought one a week or so ago and love it because it has the padded handle built right in (on the lid too!) That's one thing I don't like about a lot of my other Calphalon pots-- I have to get the pot holders out everytime I want to use them!


    I saw a TON of Disney Max Video thingies (or whatever they are called). It was the orange one (High School Musical maybe)? Anyway, I have a feeling there will be a big sell off on those coming very soon. I hope they are worth the money. Of course if they hit 75% off, THEY WILL BE FOR SURE!


    Thank you for posting this, I went today and found 2 of the 3! Great deal for these!:)

  5. I just ordered this myself for a friend and her family that live in another state. The Popcorn Factory has a special on their Jolly Snowman Tin Gift. It has things in it that adults and kids would like too. It is reg 39.99, on sale for 19.99 and there is a $5.00 off code that you can use too, it's SNOW5. Only came to 20.98 with shipping. It's a nice gift that you can order online and not worry about shipping yourself! Hope this helps :)
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